Tag Archives: @netanyahu


@Uriminzok @POTUS and Art:

You lack nothing. Use what I gave you. – God

넌 부족한 게 없어. 내가 준 것을 잘 사용해. – 하나님

Art: I think, He means, @twitter!


@Uriminzok @Xijinping:

Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships. – @MichaelJordan

재능은 게임을 이기게 해주지만 팀워크는 우승을 하게해 준다.

Give peace … a chance.



Trust is like an eraser, it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake.

신뢰는 지우개와 같다. 실수를 할 때 마다 조금씩 조금씩 줄어드니까.

cc:  @CNN@UN

Life is too short to be wasted on hating people.

인생은 사람들을 미워하며 허비하기엔 너무 짧다.

cc: @Khamenei_ir @netanyahu @CNN @UN

@MoveOn @Twitter @GLBLCTZN

Actions speaks louder than words But there comes a time when words

speak clearer than actions.

말보다 행동이 더크게 말하지만 가끔은 말이 행동보다 더 정확하게

말할때도 있다.

Pangaea: 196 nations; 4200 religions; 6500 languages; but what if, to protest,

only one language, #twitter-ese, is best. cc: @uriminzok @POTUS

Verily, there are times when words speak more clearly, than actions. A Watcher

of us summoned … Kim, Don and Arthur. cc: @uriminzok @POTUS


Make a partner @netanyahu of enemies. In #twitterfiction a one-state solution
would trump virtually any nonfictional … two-state solution.

Make a partner @netanyahu of enemies. In #twitterfiction a one-state solution
is cheaper by far than the chaos of this insecure, nonfiction.

Make a partner @netanyahu of enemies. In #twitterfiction, a one-state solution,
solves all the issues and disarmingly disarms, Palestinians.

Make a partner @netanyahu of enemies. In #twitterfiction a one-state only
solution to the Palestinian conundrum extends … Madiba’s legacy.

Make partners @netanyahu of enemies. In #twitterfiction a one-state solution
extends Madiba’s legacy to GLOBAL … truth and reconciliation.

Make partners @netanyahu of enemies. In #twitterfiction a one-state only
solution to this crisis lays a foundation for peace AND prosperity.

Make partners, @netanyahu, of enemies. In #twitterfiction, a one-state solution
is best; for politics plays 2nd fiddle to fun and recreation.

Make partners @netanyahu of enemies. In #twitterfiction, a one-state only
solution is best; and its very best feature is … its simplicity.

#Twitterfiction: Follow @chachomanopapa on Twitter and a surreal analog,
https://chachomanopapa.wordpress.com; historic poetry from tweets … and a blog.


What if, in surreal, real-time nonfiction, the five hundred thousand strong Yala Young leaders
simultaneously tweeted @netanyahu? That’d be, by itself … newsworthy!
The Yala Young Leaders are convening Sunday. Why not use social media, including Twitter … to deliver 500,000 tweets … overwhelmingly!